Anti-racist ELC
Froebelian Futures Conference, May 2024, The University of Edinburgh With Lynn McNair and Vicky Bamsey

Capturing Uniqueness: How Learning Stories Shape Individuality

Creating a Sense of Belonging for Every Child.

Pecha Kucha: Provoking Play
Inspired by the Japanese PECHA KUCHA (“chit chat”) format, five inspirational humans speak for just six minutes each in...

Working in Partnership with Families Policy

Using the nurturing qualities of songs and rhymes to support children to regulate their emotions

Wee Green Fingers – Growing Together

Bringing parents and carers into the nursery community

The pros and cons of free-flow mealtimes

Relationships, Wellbeing and the Outdoors

It’s just a tatty teddy! Or is it?

Valuing children’s perspectives beyond the voice

Slow pedagogical approaches through children’s documentation

Freedom with guidance, under pressure

Using lived stories with teenage students in Greece

Jayne White – Dialogic Pedagogy
Part of the Froebelian Futures in conversation series – Dialogic pedagogy is underpinned by an attitude towards teaching that...

Dopis dítěti / A letter to a child

How do we ‘hear’ our children ‘voices’?

Unity and Connectedness in the Face of a Pandemic

Is sewing a gender equal play occupation within our setting?

Developing children’s involvement in child focused policies

Are We Seeing the Super in Superhero Play?

What’s environment got to do with it?

How is mark-making encouraged in our outdoor environment?

by Shaddai Tembo & Simon Bateson
Diversity in Unity: Developing an anti-racist framework within Froebelian pedagogy
In light of the murder of George Floyd and the resurgent Black Lives Matter movement, the past two years...

“Why are all the doors locked?”
This ethnographic study sought to explore the perspectives of 16 children as they transitioned from one ‘early learning and...