Froebelian Approaches to Planning, Observation and Assessment
A short film considering issues of how practitioners can support children’s development without resorting to standardised check-box assessment and...

Taking the longer view: listening and learning with Froebel
Froebelian Futures Conference, May 2024, The University of Edinburgh With Professor Alison Clark, University College London

Unboxing Childhood: Froebelian Approaches to Planning, Observation and Assessment
In the aftermath of Covid, anxieties about developmental delays in young children have been influential in bringing standardised assessment...

Holistically capturing the child within Observations

My Froebelian Leadership Story
‘We ignore people’s need to participate at our own peril. If they’re involved, they will create a future that...

Inspiring Water Play: Is there scope for creativity, self-direction and discovery?

Can adults define what meaningful play is?

Instinct to Insight

Valuing Artistic Exploration and Process in Children’s Creativity

Friendly Fire

Understanding children’s perspectives through Froebelian Principle Practice.

Capturing Uniqueness: How Learning Stories Shape Individuality

Creating a Sense of Belonging for Every Child.

The inner and outer worlds of block play

The Happiness of Heuristic Play.

Froebelian principles, transition and children and their families.

Staff engagement, interactions with two-year-olds in open playrooms

Woodwork in Early Years

“Growing through nature.”

Can Freedom be Guided?

Valuing children’s perspectives beyond the voice

Rethinking Observation: Promoting Reflective Practice

Η επαφή των παιδιών με τα φυσικά υλικά σε διαφορετικά περιβάλλοντα / Play in or with nature?

Jayne White – Dialogic Pedagogy
Part of the Froebelian Futures in conversation series – Dialogic pedagogy is underpinned by an attitude towards teaching that...

Dopis dítěti / A letter to a child

How do we ‘hear’ our children ‘voices’?

Unity and Connectedness in the Face of a Pandemic

Practitioner Insights on Observing Children

Through A Child’s Lens : A Froebelian Approach to Observation

Adult roles in support of early childhood play
Explores whether play can be deeper, richer and more meaningful when children are beyond the watchful eye of an...

Acts of pedagogical resistance
Action research project contesting “tick box” observations of young children for formal assessment in favour of “Lived Stories”.