My Froebelian Leadership Story
‘We ignore people’s need to participate at our own peril. If they’re involved, they will create a future that...

What enhances the story telling experience for the children and adults?

Understanding children’s perspectives through Froebelian Principle Practice.

Capturing Uniqueness: How Learning Stories Shape Individuality

Exploring our local community

Creating a Sense of Belonging for Every Child.

The inner and outer worlds of block play

Woodwork in Early Years

Heuristic Play with Children in the Early Learning & Childcare Setting

Working in Partnership with Families Policy

Froebelian Principles and their Impact on Practice

Valuing Family Connections

Working as one to break down the barriers.

Documenting Young Children’s Learning Through a Froebelian Lens

The Children’s Garden

Slow pedagogical approaches through children’s documentation

Our Froebelian Practice: Storytelling at Cowgate Under 5s
An introduction to the rich life of “story” in everyday practice at Cowgate Under 5s nursery in Edinburgh, in...

Making Children’s Participation and Perceptions Matter

Benefits of a natural environment in outside play

The benefits of introducing community gardening to our setting

The Image of the child – with Peter Moss
Webinar (in conversation, presentation and Q&A). Which images of the child dominate practice in today’s neoliberal world, and what...

Freedom and Food (conversation)
Elaine Kerridge (Children in Scotland) and Simon Bateson (Cowgate Under 5s) on the role of food in creating community...

Block Play – The Cornerstone of Creativity and Imagination

by Alison Hawkins
Happily ever after? Storytelling in Froebelian settings
“The tiny creature smiled – then closed his eyes and fell sound asleep”. The listening children paused, and as...