Pecha Kucha: Provoking Play
Inspired by the Japanese PECHA KUCHA (“chit chat”) format, five inspirational humans speak for just six minutes each in...
Liminal Relationalities
Collaborative Writing With/in and Across Race In The Study of Early Childhood. Read more about this work at our...
by Shaddai Tembo & Simon Bateson
Diversity in Unity: Developing an anti-racist framework within Froebelian pedagogy
In light of the murder of George Floyd and the resurgent Black Lives Matter movement, the past two years...
Connecting classrooms….connecting communities
by Stella Louis
Where does race or anti-racism show up in Froebel?
Where does race or anti-racism show up in Froebel? A sideways look at Froebel’s writing. Froebel is well known...