Like Froebel, our vision is of a world where children’s integrity, interdependence and creativity are recognised and cultivated as an indispensable life force in all human societies.

With this toolkit we hope you will push the boundaries of what you currently understand and practice as “children’s participation”.

It is designed to prompt reflexive consideration of your practice (alongside others’), in open-hearted, non-judgemental ways. You may wish to share it with colleagues and agree a time to discuss it, or (better yet) make “Children’s participation” a regular subject at team meetings, in-service days, etc.

Some useful questions are included throughout, and clustered on the final page. The aim is not to prove you are already doing everything right or wrong, but to help you continuously consider “How can we go further or deeper?”… To ensure that children know – from birth – that they have real agency and power in the world and their relationships.

We’d love to know what you think of this tool, to inform future iterations.

Open our feedback form in the background (new tab) and once you’ve made a start with the tool, please share your thoughts and ideas.

We’d particularly love to know… What does the tool open up for you? Have you tried or transformed anything as a result of using it? What challenges do you routinely face within your setting or your own practice? And what are your own best experiences of children’s participation?