Froebelian Futures was a groundbreaking three year programme (2021-2024) funded by The Froebel Trust which sought to strengthen and deepen child and community-centred early years practice across Scotland, based on the foundational principles of Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852).
Our vision is of a world where children’s integrity, interdependence and creativity are recognised and cultivated as an indispensable life force in all human societies. Specifically, we want to see children – supported by skilful childhood practitioners – widely and confidently sharing their co-created knowledge, ideas and practices – to inspire and enhance social justice, in harmony with the natural world.
From 2021-2024 we sought to spark a long-term, national learning journey – spearheaded by ELC practitioners-as-researchers and change-makers – that would bring the inexhaustible value of Froebelian ideas into mainstream policy and practice for the twenty-first century. Our aim was that within 5 years Scotland would be recognised as a beacon of childhood practice at the heart of an international community of Froebelians.
“[Practitioners] should be initiated into the real nature and manner of a child’s growth, inspired with respect and love for it, and made thoroughly familiar with the demands of children’s lives and the form of education which will satisfy them.” Froebel, 1830s (in Lilley, 1967:118)