Join the network
Are you a Froebelian or Froebel-inspired practitioner, policy-maker or other professional with an active interest in the early years? We want to celebrate and connect you with others in Scotland and beyond who are drawing on Froebel’s legacy to strengthen their work.
By joining the network you’re putting a flag in the map to highlight the difference Froebelian principles are making to children’s lives. As part of your profile, you’ll be invited to journal about your development as a Froebelian. And – for those who have trained or are training with us – you’ll have the chance to share any research with young children that you’re generating.
Ready to join? There’s no cost. Just click the link below.
Local area networks
The Edinburgh Froebel Network was set up in 2009 by a group of five nursery Heads, in order to promote a Froebelian approach in Edinburgh. Then Network is open to any Froebelian practitioner in Edinburgh to join. We run reading groups, organise an annual conference and organise seminars with a specific focus on building our Froebelian community in Edinburgh. To find out more contact us or subscribe to our newsletter here.
More details to follow
The Falkirk Froebel Family Network is a collaboration of all our practitioners who have studied through the University of Edinburgh, Froebel in Childhood Practice course. It was set up in 2018 and is led by Donna Green. We have devised our charter to develop our shared vision and Froebelian principles. Many Falkirk Froebelians lead and share projects and practice which promotes a learning together approach where we have devised a Froebel CLPL through our authority CPD manager. We use our Twitter account as a platform to link and connect as we share learning and learn from others, please join us @FalkirkFroebel. We have devised a Falkirk Froebel blog as an ongoing one stop place and space to support our journey which you can access here.
In addition, we set up a Falkirk Froebel Family MS Team as a means to communicate as we are a growing community.
More details to follow
South Lanarkshire’s Froebel network was newly established in June 2021. Practitioners wanted a time and place they could all come together to;
— Make connections and build a supportive Froebelian network
— Further develop the Froebelian practice across South Lanarkshire Council
— Find out about international developments in Froebelian practice.
— Learn more from speakers and benefit from being referred to new reading or research.
To get involved in our network, contact Ruth McArthur.