Cultivating a Network of Greek speaking Educators (Moschouri)
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Project summary:
In education’s dynamic landscape, collaborative networks are crucial. This project, “Froebelian Leadership: Cultivating a Network of Greek-Speaking Educators,” led by Foteini, Vasiliki, and Ioanna, aimed to facilitate the co-design of a Network of Greek-speaking educators passionate about Froebelian ideas.
Working in the field of education in Greece often involves a feeling of seclusion. This feeling can be even greater for people who do not subscribe to the traditional educational approach, as parents and colleagues may question their approach, their practices and the resources that they use. Finding and creating supportive networks of educators and for educators is, therefore, extremely important, as these networks can provide the empowerment that we need in order to follow a Froebelian approach in our everyday practice with children. This project is the journey that three Greek practitioners – Vasiliki, Foteini and myself – went through in order to make the vision of a Greek Froebelian network come true.
This project started as a result of the froebelian courses that took place in Athens and were held by Froebelian Futures. A group of participants traveled to Edinburgh in order to visit various froebelian settings and to attend the Edinburgh Froebel Network conference. During this trip the idea of a Greek Froebelian network emerged, as we all acknowledged our need for a space to share our experiences, to feel supported and to explore ways of disseminating the froebelian principles in the greek educational community.
After following the Froebelian Leadership training, Vasiliki, Foteini and myself, decided to make the launch of the Froebelian Greek Network our final project. Our starting point was our common interest for a Froebelian approach and our need for a community of Froebelian educators. Our goal was to create a space for Greek practitioners to meet, based on this shared interest and need.
Viewing the creation of this Network through a Froebelian lens was very important to us. Therefore, we adopted a participatory approach, which meant that we did not have a detailed plan about the form that this Network would ultimately have. All members were welcomed to shape the Network according to their interests and needs.
First, we contacted all Greek participants of Froebelian Futures’ courses and invited them to the first three monthly meetings. These meetings were co-facilitated by Vasiliki, Foteini and me and the necessary tasks in order to carry them through were distributed among the three of us.
At the end of every meeting, the group would decide upon the agenda of the next meeting. This way, the meetings were reflective of the specific needs and interests of this group and we focused on discussing the Froebelian principles and how they apply in our practice, the translation of Froebelian material in Greek and also our vision for the Network. After each meeting, at least one participant was asked to provide feedback about our role as facilitators and we also provided feedback to one another.
During the third meeting we discussed our thoughts and ideas about the future of this Network and a new team of participants undertook the role of the facilitators.
We informed all adult participants about the project and they willingly chose to participate, with the option to withdraw from our meetings at any point during the process. During our meetings, we took measures to maintain the confidentiality of all shared information and protect the anonymity of our participants. Moreover, during our meetings we addressed any concerns that aroused and made sure that all our participants were feeling safe and respected. These ethical considerations were crucial in order to foster a safe environment, where everyone felt comfortable to share their experiences and ideas.
"The thought of this network enduring and expanding over time is truly thrilling."
This project highlights the power of collective work and reflection upon our educational practices. The fact that a considerable number of people were willing to commit to the Network by attending regularly to the meetings and taking over tasks and responsibilities is indicative of the importance of such networks. According to participant’s feedback, the structure of our meetings, the fact that all participants had an active role, shared their ideas and participated in the decision-making processes, the non-directive role of the facilitators and the prospect of expanding the Network were decisive factors that led to their regular participation in the meetings.
Another important finding was the benefits of collective leadership. Having to share the role of the facilitator with two other colleagues was a very interesting and supportive experience. As a team, we were able to support one another, provide constructive feedback and discuss any challenges we faced in our role as facilitators. We were also able to empower one another in order to step in, when necessary, to ensure that meetings are well run and every participant feels heard (e.g. make sure that we did not exceed the time that we had decided to dedicate to each topic on the agenda and that everyone had time to share their thoughts).
It is, also, necessary to point out the limitations and areas of improvement that surfaced during this project. More specifically, at the end of our third meeting, while discussing the future of the Network, most participants did not feel comfortable with the idea of taking over the role of the facilitator and were uneasy knowing that Foteini, Vasiliki and I would not be in this role anymore. It is important to remember that all participants were informed about this fact from the very beginning, but some of them, while providing feedback to us, had stated that they did not see themselves assuming the role of the facilitator. This initial hesitation was overcome after addressing the reasons that made the participants uncomfortable with leading our meetings.
Lastly, it would be remiss not to mention the power of communities such as this Froebelian Network to foster the agency of educators. During these meetings, we started to feel part of an educational community that shares the same pedagogical principles and we understood that each and every one of us have to face challenges in their respective setting in order to apply a more Froebelian approach. This had a considerable impact on empowering all participants to advocate for positive changes in their settings, in accordance with the Froebelian principles and pedagogical vision.
This project led to a community of educators that:
– share their experiences and their good practices, but also their fears and their questions in regards to their practice,
– discuss about the challenges that they face in their specific setting and possible ways to overcome them
– explore the Froebelian principles and support one another in our attempt to make our everyday practice more Froebelian.
– actively seek new and creative ways to disseminate the Froebelian principles and educational approach in the greek educational community.
This Network is an ongoing process and it is not confined within the frame of this project. On the contrary, its members are still negotiating the nature and the goals of this community. Personally, I believe that it has the potential to evolve into a much bigger Greek Froebelian community that fosters changes in our everyday practice with children.
In conclusion, I would like to mention the importance of this project for my personal development as a Froebelian leader. For me, assuming the role of a team leader has to do with respecting every individual, creating a safe space for them to show up fully, bringing their own ideas and experiences and, also, being able to feel safe and supported yourself.
Research implications
To be completed
Practitioner enquiry
To be completed
Leadership learning
To be completed
Author and role
To be completed
Comments from other network members
What did you appreciate about this research? What forward-looking questions did it raise for you?