Hazel Devlin I work in Early years in a small nursery in Strathaven. I am passionate about children learning thorough open ended experiences and developing a love of the outdoors and nature. This user account status is Approved Role/Location Projects Contact me This practitioner has not chosen to share this information at this time.ROLE/JOB TITLEManager/ Lead PractitionerSETTING/ORGANISATIONStrathaven Community NurseryVILLAGE/TOWN/CITYSTRATHAVENPlease enter your Organisation's postcode and select an address from the dropdown to appear on the Network pageC/O Westeroverton Primary Ashkirk Road, Strathaven ML10 6JT, UK Only fill in if you are not human Learning journal Reflections on my developing practice over the three stages of learning: Beginnings, Becomings and Recent. Beginnings Becomings Recent This practitioner has not chosen to share this information at this time.ROLE/JOB TITLEManager/ Lead PractitionerSETTING/ORGANISATIONStrathaven Community NurseryVILLAGE/TOWN/CITYSTRATHAVENPlease enter your Organisation's postcode and select an address from the dropdown to appear on the Network pageC/O Westeroverton Primary Ashkirk Road, Strathaven ML10 6JT, UK Only fill in if you are not human