Starting in early years a little bit later in life, I feel like I have ‘come home’. I am all about encouraging creativity and am keen to explore more around the concept of ‘freedom with guidance’ and how to work with it more effectively in practice
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Are We Seeing the Super in Superhero Play?
Practitioner Inquiry (Froebelian Futures)
A study to determine how comfortable practitioners are with superhero/gun/weapon play in our setting, and how confident they are in using ‘freedom with guidance’ to support it.Learning journal
Reflections on my developing practice over the three stages of learning: Beginnings, Becomings and Recent.Are We Seeing the Super in Superhero Play?
Practitioner Inquiry (Froebelian Futures)
A study to determine how comfortable practitioners are with superhero/gun/weapon play in our setting, and how confident they are in using ‘freedom with guidance’ to support it.