Hello, I love being a teacher, even after 35 years! Currently I work in a small nursery. I am truly inspired by Froebelian practice.
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Changes to my thinking or practice which are emerging as a result of my current training

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I think my role is changing slightly as I see advocacy for the Froebelian view of childhood as more important, maybe more urgent now.

I've recently been challenged by some uestions by critical peers and tutors and by reading the Morgan Report to think how the voice of the child actually INFORMS practice beyond day to day responsive planning. How are children's voices reflected in nursery policies, in Progress Reports, for instance? Writing in the child's voice is becoming more of a focus for me.

Core views and values have not changed but, I am better informed and more confident.

This has continued and I am more convinced that a nursery day naturally has a rhythm, such as times of calm, times of busy-ness, times when children seek out each other or times they want to be alone. Reflecting on this rhythm I have tried to include more small spaces, even tiny spaces and reinstated a 'together Time' (optional) because I can see that as part of the day children really like to be together. It's a bit like adults in a staff room-it's nice to sit having a moment of peace but it's also just as good sharing news together. I feel that children's need for connection with one another can sometimes been overlooked in the name of 'free flow play'. I am aware that in a small nursery that this is easier to do.

Learning journal

Reflections on my developing practice over the three stages of learning: Beginnings, Becomings and Recent.