Do not separate learning
Great harm is done if, within the cycle of the formative years, such sharp divisions and contrasts are made...
A constant process of becoming
The form of a person’s life should not be regarded as an immutable fact but as a constant and...
Indispensible members of the human race
Every child should be accepted as an indispensable and essential member of the human race
Make the external internal etc
The true educator should reveal the universal aspect of that which is particular and individual, and the particular application...
Permissive and following, guarding and protecting only
Education must be permissive and following, guarding and protecting only; it should neither direct nor determine nor interfere.
On ‘bad behaviour’
The child who seems rude and self-willed is often involved in an intense struggle to realise the good by...
Living knowing and doing are one and the same
Living, doing, knowing – these are coincidental, however different the emphasis may be at any one time.
Free to determine their own lives
If I had announced I would educate children specifically to be servants or shoemakers, merchants or business men… I...
Don’t overwhelm the child
One should be careful not to give a child the sort of gift which will overwhelm them, for it...
The world as unity
Free and joyful activity flows from the vision of the whole world as a unity; all life and activity...