Stacey MacKinnon As a primary teacher I am interested in developing Froebelian practices within the classroom. I am very passionate about play based pedagogy, viewing children as autonomous learners and have recently become interested in approaches to slow pedagogy. This user account status is Approved Role/Location Projects Contact me This practitioner has not chosen to share this information at this time.ROLE/JOB TITLEPrimary TeacherSETTING/ORGANISATIONSt. Cadoc's Primary School and Nursery ClassVILLAGE/TOWN/CITYEast RenfrewshirePlease enter your Organisation's postcode and select an address from the dropdown to appear on the Network pageNewton Mearns, Glasgow G77 6TT, UK Only fill in if you are not human Learning journal Reflections on my developing practice over the three stages of learning: Beginnings, Becomings and Recent. Beginnings Becomings Recent This practitioner has not chosen to share this information at this time.ROLE/JOB TITLEPrimary TeacherSETTING/ORGANISATIONSt. Cadoc's Primary School and Nursery ClassVILLAGE/TOWN/CITYEast RenfrewshirePlease enter your Organisation's postcode and select an address from the dropdown to appear on the Network pageNewton Mearns, Glasgow G77 6TT, UK Only fill in if you are not human