I am a Child Development Officer within East Renfrewshire Council. My main interests are outdoor learning and block play, with a Froebelian approach to learning.
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Changes to my thinking or practice which are emerging as a result of my current training

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I enjoy seeing children grow and develop. I also feel a sense of achievement when a child has achived a goal or reached a new milstone.

I would describe my role now as a Froebalian leader as well as an Early Years Practitioner. I do feel I have changed as a reuslt of my training as I am more aware of the principles and putting them into practice.

My practice has changed as a result of being part of the Froebel Futures Course. As I am setting up invitations I am mindful of the Forebel principles that is underpinning my practice and how I can embed these principles further to enhance experiences for the children within my setting.

My setting has always been child-centered before I started the Froebel Futures Course. We believe children have the freedom to choose how they lead their own learning, including choosing materials and resources. I have changed my own practice as a result of the Froebel Futures Course, I am much more open to children being in full control of risk taking, knowing their own limits and supporting children to build upon resillience in order to reach their full potential.


The children within my setting are encouraged to participate in shaping the environment. We ask questions to propmt self-evaluation such as; what do you think of the block area? could we make it bigger or add anything new to it? With the data collected we discuss the changes with the children and ask for their help in changing the layout etc. by doing so we have seen higher levels of engagment within the playrooms as the children have taken ownership of the areas. We do the same with policies- Childrens views are always taken into consideration and when making a policy that impacts the children's learning or environment we involve the children throughout thre process.

My practice has completely changed. I am much more open- minded to all aspects of play, I push myself beyond my own boundries in order to provide high quality learning for the children. Froebel Principles have changed my views and informs my practice on a daily basis. The Invitations and provocations that I now provide have Froebel principles at the heart of my practice.

My views haven't changed in regards to social justice. I feel throughout my time as a Practitioner, I have gained knowledge and learned the importance of ensuring social justice is met throughout my experiences that I offer to children and their families.

My hopes are that I can take on a project with Froebelian principles and views that will support children’s development and strengthen my practice. I also hope to share my practice with my colleagues and families.

The support I need and value the most is the support from the community around me! I feel I have been given great support from my Depute Head Teacher (Jo McGregor) the staff team, children and their families as well as the Froebel Futures cohort. Having a supportive team around me, enables me to draw from individual strengthens and interests. I need this support in order to deliver high quality learning experiences to our children.

Learning journal

Reflections on my developing practice over the three stages of learning: Beginnings, Becomings and Recent.