Unboxing Childhood: Froebelian Approaches to Planning, Observation and Assessment
In the aftermath of Covid, anxieties about developmental delays in young children have been influential in bringing standardised assessment...

Pecha Kucha: Provoking Play
Inspired by the Japanese PECHA KUCHA (“chit chat”) format, five inspirational humans speak for just six minutes each in...

Webinar: Froebel, Death, Transition and Play
A webinar exploring the symbolic and literal experiences of death and loss in our early learning and childcare communities...

Our Froebelian Practice: Clay at Cowgate Under 5s
An introduction to the rich learning available to children who experiment with clay – a key Froebelian occupation, touching...

Froebelian Storytelling – webinar recording
Featuring: Lynn McNair and Jane Whinnet, storyteller Douglas Mackay and practitioner-researcher Alison McCulloch.

Our Froebelian Practice: Storytelling at Cowgate Under 5s
An introduction to the rich life of “story” in everyday practice at Cowgate Under 5s nursery in Edinburgh, in...

Froebel in Nature: past, present, futures
What affordances in our past, present and future can spur us on to go further and deeper with children...

Our Froebelian Practice: Nature Kindergarten at Cowgate Under 5s
An immersive look at a uniquely Froebelian approach to nature-based learning and play at Cowgate Under 5s, Edinburgh. Download...

Our Froebelian Practice: Block play at Cowgate Under 5s
An introduction to block play at Cowgate Under 5s, and its central role in our Froebelian pedagogy – supporting...

Jayne White – Dialogic Pedagogy
Part of the Froebelian Futures in conversation series – Dialogic pedagogy is underpinned by an attitude towards teaching that...